“The re-invention of a song from the Setswana FolkTale titled “Tjuele” The story is about a young girl who lives with her family. The family is...
Showbiz Entertainment Africa Botswana (SEAfricaBW) conference, an “event dedicated to the development and growth of the industry is coming to Botswana later this year”. Launched on...
FME are making this dope music thing a habit now, and their features lists as a camp many-a-time give you something fresh to think about. This...
Motheo Madisa, the young man Botswana- born actor and theater performer who also happened to headline Maitisong last year is continuing his work outside the BW...
Its’ Piet The DJ with a not so new summer song basically featuring everybody (not literally). Dj’s have really come of age in BW when it...
New music from 7Dos right on time for 4/20. Press play