This is with is without a doubt one of the most challenging periods in the history of mankind, the entire globe is engulfed by a common...
He now goes by the alias MikhailGotWork and the man backs that name up with so much work all the damn time, his work rate since...
MalcomVX’s influence in the game goes largely unnoticed, that’s what happens a lot of times when you’re the dude running things behind the scenes and everybody...
The OG’s just dropped a throwback, Touch and the Broadhurst representative Konkrete done ‘CAME UP’ and they chronicle that story on a Don Omega Grand beat....
Well, i sometimes wish artists take the tome to work on a song just a little more. This sounds like a song that could have been...
“Something to keep our spirits up doing lockdown <3”, we’re all trying to survive Cabin fever and not lose our minds at the same time. Short...