Listen to this tale of a love story “based on a true story. Dedicated to a friend of mine Anita” by the dude Poetic Scientax, such...
“Well, Here It Is As Promised.. #NEW #NEW #NEW Single By NinjaMane Trapp Zambia ft Sam Kush-Secret society Titled #UPPERLIFE Produced By Obado Obvdo Obvdo. Just Follow The Link Below.. Title : Upper Life ft....
The kings of this BW Kwaito have come together with Roc Lefatshe’s producer Suffocate, definitely one of the men who have shook the scene up in...
We’ve got a fresh new one from Ysla Lanrouj, Soft is sounding real smooth and actually had us digging through the internet crates for all else...
Wonder no more, the music is here: New banger alert from WNDR. tell us how you feel about it
The boy Obvdo (Obado) just dropped another one, an Afro Beat inspired banger. Just play it out loud at the next party.
The ELi EarL mixtape is out, do the right thing and bump it loud in your ear space. The conceptual mixtape was recorded, themed around Setswana...
Second official single from Gully Bois superstar rapper, Trilla. Skipping Classes is the official debut single exclusively dropped off of his upcoming Ep titled Picasso due...
It’s the Kalanga God’s year in all honesty, so much dope music coming from his well. So much dope music with great producers on track,
Fresh new from the duo Kudalini featuring Mosako