In the emerging world of film in Botswana, emerges the narrative of “Phala.” This abstract short film, born from a serendipitous conversation between filmmaker Mooretsi Gabang...
A mini-documentary on the second studio album, GARDEN, by MOONGA K.
From aspiring filmmakers to production company owners – the sky is the limit for two Botswana TV and film producers. 01 September 2023. Gaborone, Botswana....
21 August 2023. Gaborone, Botswana. Today MultiChoice Botswana announced that local content creators can take part in a truly African production opportunity. Mzansi Magic on DStv...
Local film “Zombie Date Night in Tlokweng” has achieved significant success at the Durban FilmMart. Now, it’s time for you to cast your vote and help...
In her eagerly awaited panel discussion at the U.S.-Africa Business Summit, Masego Mohwasa, an accomplished Content Producer and Digital Content Strategist with a BA in Motion...